Monday, November 27, 2006

LoadXtreme: SMS Commands

PLX REG {Retailer's ID#} {SAC} {birthdate: mm-dd-yyyy} {Full name}

Use this command to register as retailer via SMS.
ID num, MAC - check your kit for these numbers
Bdate - your birthdate, valid format is mm-dd-yyyy
Fullname - your complete name.

PLX REG 5512345678 1412345678 01-02-1970 JUAN DE LA CRUZ

PLX IREG {ID#} / {PIK} / {Cellnumber} / {Full name}/ {Birthdate} / {Address}

Use this command to register an instant retailer.
ID#, PIK - Your Account ID and PIK
Cellnumber - Cellnumber of the new Retailer, valid format is 09xxxxxxxxx.
Full name - Complete name of new Retailer.
Birthdate - birthdate of new Retailer, valid format is mm-dd-yyyy
Address - Optional, address of new Retailer.

PLX IREG 5512345678/123456/Juan dela Cruz/ 01-02-1970/12 Sampaloc, Manila

PLX CHGADDR {Your ID No.} {PIK} {Complete Address}
This command is required as step two of registration but can be used anytime to update your Address.
PLX CHGADDR 5512345678 123456 M #12 LEGARDA ST., MANILA

PLX CHGPIK {Your ID No.} {PIK} {new PIK}
Use this command to change your PIK. Please keep your PIK in a safe place and pick a non-repeatitive digits. The recommended length for PIK is 6 digits. You cannot go beyond 6 digits.
PLX CHGPIK 5512345678 123456 654321

PLX NEWCEL {Your ID No.} {PIK} {New Cellphone Number, format: 09xxxxxxxxx}
Use this command to change the registered cellphone number.
PLX NEWCEL 5512345678 123456 09178503818

PLX CHGBDATE {Your ID No.} {PIK} {birthdate: mm-dd-yyyy}
Use this command to change registered birthdate.
PLX CHGBDATE 5512345678 123456 01-02-1970

Use this command to renew your membership. You can only use this command 60 days before your account expiration and 30 days after your account has been expired.

PLX BAL {Your ID No.} {PIK}
Use this command to view your available balance.
PLX BAL 5512345678 123456

PLX LOAD {ID number} {PIK} {product code} {customer cell #}
Use this command to sell or dispense products, these are PIN based, Internet and OTA type products.
PLX LOAD 5512345678 123456 G100 09178503818

PLX LBCFLEX {ID number} / {PIK} / {product code} / {customer cell #} / {Name} / {Address} / {Msg}
Use this command to sell or dispense LBC Flower Express products.
PLX LBCFLEX 5512345678/123456/ROSERED3/09178503818/Juan/12 Sampaloc Manila/I LUV U

PLX TRANSFER {ID number} {PIK} {PLOAD} {amount} {Retailer ID#} {notification cell#}
Use this command to transfer Portal Loads to another retailer.
PLX TRANSFER 5412345678 123456 PLOAD 1000 5512345678 09178503818

PLX RESEND {id number} {PIK} {prod code} {serial number}
Use this command to resend previously sent PIN to customers. This is useful for accidental erasures by customers.
PLX RESEND 5512345678 123456 G100 12345678

PLX INSURE {ID number} {PIK} {product code} {customer cell #} {bdate: mm-dd-yyyy} {fullname}
Use this command to selli insurance products.
PLX INSURE 5512345678 123456 PREMIUM 09178583818 01-02-1970 JUAN DE LA CRUZ

PLX RELOAD {ID number} {PIK} {amount} {Bank Branch} {Date and Time}
Use this command to notify head office of your payment for PLX loads replenishment. Your account shall be replenished within 1-2 office hours upon verification of your payment.
PLX RELOAD 5512345678 123456 5000 EPCI AURORA-ANNAPOLIS 02-26-2006 11:03AM

Send to the following PLX SMS Numbers:
If your cellnumber ends with an ODD digit,
send to 09178503298 (Globe) or 09209617606 (Smart)
If your cellnumber ends with an EVEN digit,
send to 09063114036 (Globe) or 09196871672 (Smart)

Note: Please do not include the left "{" and right "}" brackets

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