Monday, November 27, 2006

The Bootstraper's Bible - By Seth Godin

The Bootstraper's Bible
by: By Seth Godin

What’s a Bootstrapper?

Internet Pioneer and author of Permission Marketing, The Idea Virus, Purple Cow and other classics of the Internet Revolution, Seth Godin says...

"For me, a bootstrapper isn't a particular demographic or even a certain financial situation. Instead, it's a state of mind. Bootstrappers run billion-dollar companies, nonprofit organizations, and start-ups in their basements. A bootstrapper is determined to build a business that pays for itself every day. In many ways, it's easiest to define a bootstrapper by what she isn't: a money-raising bureaucrat who specializes in using other people's money to take big risks in growing a business. Not that there's anything wrong with that…

You can use the information in this manifesto to make any company more focused, more efficient, and more grassroots. Throughout this manifesto, though, I'll be primarily addressing the classic bootstrapper: entrepreneurs who are working their butts off to start a great business from scratch with no (or almost no) money.

At last count, there were several million bootstrappers in this country, with another few million wannabes, just waiting for the opportunity. My goal is to give you enough insight and confidence that you'll get off the bench and make it happen."


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